Are you looking to invest in a cause that aligns with your values? Interested in supporting the growth and development of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its ministries? Look no further than the Mission Investment Fund (MIF), your trusted financial partner in making a difference.

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What is a Mission Investment Fund?

A mission investment fund, such as the one offered by the ELCA, is a financial vehicle that channels investments into initiatives and projects that support the mission and values of a specific organization or community. In the case of the ELCA Mission Investment Fund, investments are directed towards building and renovating churches, supporting ministries, and empowering communities.

What Sets ELCA Mission Investment Fund Apart?

The ELCA Mission Investment Fund stands out for its commitment to promoting social justice, equity, and sustainability through its investment portfolio. By investing in the MIF, individuals and organizations not only earn competitive returns but also contribute to positive social and environmental impact.

Why Choose the ELCA Mission Investment Fund?

ELCA members seeking financially sound and faith-aligned investment options find the ELCA MIF particularly appealing for several reasons:


    • Align Your Values: Invest with purpose, knowing your money contributes to the growth and well-being of your ELCA community.

    • Competitive Returns: Earn competitive returns while supporting causes close to your heart.

    • Diversified Portfolio: Choose from various investment products like CDs, loans, and socially responsible investment funds, tailoring your portfolio to your financial goals.

    • Experienced Stewardship: Benefit from the expertise of a team dedicated to ethical and responsible investing, ensuring your money is managed with care.

    • Transparent Impact: Track the positive impact your investments create through regular reports and updates, witnessing the tangible difference you make.

Mission Investment Fund - Rates

Exploring ELCA Mission Investment Fund’s Offerings

Investment Options

The ELCA Mission Investment Fund offers a range of investment options tailored to meet the diverse needs of investors. From fixed-rate investments to adjustable-rate options, there’s something for every risk appetite and financial goal.

Competitive Rates

One of the key advantages of investing with the ELCA Mission Investment Fund is access to competitive rates. By leveraging the collective power of investments, the MIF is able to offer attractive returns while supporting vital church and community projects.

Easy Access

Investing with the ELCA Mission Investment Fund is simple and convenient. With online access and dedicated customer support, investors can manage their portfolios and track their impact with ease.

Need Assistance?

Have questions about mission-driven investing or the services offered by the ELCA Mission Investment Fund? Our team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how you can make a positive impact through your investments.

Login to Your Account

Already an investor with the ELCA Mission Investment Fund? Access your account online to manage your investments, track performance, and stay updated on fund news and updates.

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A World of Mission Investment Opportunities

While the ELCA MIF holds a unique space within the Lutheran community, numerous other mission-driven investment funds cater to diverse causes and values. Here’s a glimpse into the wider landscape:


    • Thrivent Mission Investment Fund: Focused on supporting faith-based and community-based organizations aligned with Christian values.

    • Community Foundation Mission Investments: Invests in initiatives that promote economic empowerment and community development in specific localities.

    • Nia Impact Investing: Supports businesses and organizations led by and serving communities of color.

    • Pacific Community Ventures: Invests in projects that create jobs, affordable housing, and economic opportunities in low-income communities.

Stories That Inspire

Numbers and statistics paint a picture, but real-life stories ignite passion. Let’s hear how individuals like you are leveraging mission investing to make a difference:


    • Sarah, a young professional invested in a healthcare MIF, enabling access to critical services in underserved communities.

    • John, a retiree, directed his retirement savings towards a clean energy fund, contributing to a sustainable future.

    • The Green Church, through its MIF investments, supported local food banks and environmental education programs.

Taking the First Step Towards Mission Investing

Whether you’re an ELCA member seeking to invest with purpose or simply someone passionate about aligning your finances with your values, MIFs and other mission-aligned funds offer a compelling alternative. Remember, the key lies in understanding the concept, exploring different options, and carefully considering

These are just a few examples of the countless ways mission investing empowers individuals and communities to create positive change. Remember, every invested dollar becomes a vote for the kind of world you want to build.

Ready to Join the Movement?

The world of mission investing awaits, brimming with opportunities to align your values with your financial choices. Start exploring different MIFs, delve into resources, and discover how your investment journey can become a powerful force for good. Remember, even small steps can create significant impact, and together, we can build a more equitable and sustainable future, one investment at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Purpose of an Investment Fund?

Investment funds like the ELCA Mission Investment Fund serve multiple purposes, including providing financial support for church and community initiatives, generating returns for investors, and promoting social and environmental goals.

What is the Mission of the ELCA?

The mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, nurture faith, and serve others in God’s love. The ELCA Mission Investment Fund plays a crucial role in supporting this mission by providing financial resources for congregations, ministries, and community projects.

What are the Fund Rates?

The ELCA Mission Investment Fund offers competitive rates on its investment products. Rates may vary depending on the type of investment and prevailing market conditions. For the latest information on fund rates, investors can visit the MIF website or contact customer support.

What are the different types of mission investment funds?

MIFs come in various shapes and sizes, each with its distinct focus. Some prioritize environmental sustainability, affordable housing, education, or specific social justice issues. Researching available options allows you to align your investments with the causes you care about most.

What are the risks involved in mission investing?

Remember, all investments carry inherent risks. While MIFs strive for competitive returns, they may not always outperform traditional investments. Diversifying across different MIFs and asset classes can help mitigate risk and ensure a well-rounded portfolio.

How do I find a mission investment fund that aligns with my values?

Embrace the research journey! Compare different funds’ missions, investment strategies, and track records. Consider consulting a financial advisor specializing in sustainable and impact investing for personalized guidance tailored to your unique values and financial goals.

What are the ELCA Mission Investment Fund rates?

Rates for various MIF products fluctuate based on the chosen option (CDs, loans, etc.) and current market conditions. The ELCA MIF website provides the latest rates and specific product details, ensuring you have access to transparent information before making investment decisions.

How do I log in to the ELCA Mission Investment Fund website?

Currently, the ELCA MIF website doesn’t offer online investor access. However, you can access valuable information and contact details through their website or by calling 877-886-3522. Their friendly representatives are happy to answer your questions and guide you through the investment process.


Investing with purpose has never been easier. With the ELCA Mission Investment Fund, you can grow your wealth while making a meaningful difference in the world. Join us in building a brighter future for generations to come.

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